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Speak to Succeed: Unlocking The Value Of Powerful Presentations Webinar

Sessions The Recursive Webinars
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Research shows that fear of public speaking, or glossophobia, is believed to affect up to 75% of the global population. Some of the respondents even ranked death in the second place as less scary than speaking in public. What about the remaining 25%, are they being honest?

Technology has brought us close, but it has also hindered our ability to communicate freely face to face. Yet, communication remains the key to success in many life situations. 

Join us for an engaging and informative session that promises to equip you with the tools you need to be a more persuasive and effective communicator. Whether you’re pitching to investors or captivating a room with team members, partners, or clients, this event is a must-attend for anyone looking to improve their public speaking prowess.

>>> Book your ticket here <<<


Ana Wolsztajn, a Prague-based leadership and communication coach, investor, and one of Europe’s TOP 100 Most Influential Women in Startups and VC in 2023. 

Dorothy Fulop, a Los Angeles-based founder of Pitchcamp Agency, a branding and marketing agency for startups, with a passion for the great outdoors. 

You will learn

  • The essentials of an effective pitch deck: Learn the art of pitching your idea persuasively and get insider tips on what makes a pitch deck truly impactful.
  • How to captivate your audience: Understand the psychological aspects of public speaking, including non-verbal cues and voice modulation techniques, to keep your audience engaged from start to finish.
  • Identify opportunities and avoid common pitfalls: Be aware of the common mistakes that many speakers make and learn strategies to avoid them, ensuring your message is conveyed clearly and effectively.

This webinar is brought to you in partnership with Sessions

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