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How to pitch an idea for a guest article to The Recursive

How to pitch an idea for a guest article to The Recursive,
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The Recursive platform is open to external content creators who want to share their expert tips with the startup and tech audiences in SEE. 

We are looking for the educational element here – insights into areas, surrounding innovators, new tech trends, research findings, practical tips, and tricks.

Topic-wise, we’re interested in: 

    • Business Knowledge – practical advice when it comes to fundraising, go-to-market, building a scalable business, innovation, and product development, leadership & organizational development, and legal advice;
    • Personal Development – tips and tricks that help founders and tech professionals grow and develop their potential – work-life balance, mental health, time management, and improved performance, leadership, and soft skills, workplace culture, creativity, personal finance; 
    • Sustainability – from new trends, research, and findings, analysis in the field to practical advice on building a sustainable business or building a commercialization strategy for cleantech solutions;
    • Tech Trends  – from blockchain to AI, VR, and all the other hot topics in tech, we’re interested in explainers, analysis, forecasts, arguments, that are based on facts; 
    • Diversity – insights into the untapped potential of women in leadership or the next generation of talents, founders, and ecosystem players- GenZ, arguments, and ideas for making the tech world a more inclusive environment for everyone;

NB: Have in mind that the focus of the material should be on knowledge-sharing, rather than a promotion of your business. 

What we’re looking for in a piece: 

Originality. We want to hear your original voice as an author. Hence we’re looking for arguments and ideas that are based on your expertise or experience in the field. 

When you’re pitching us a story, please explain the professional background that connects you to the idea you’re writing about. 

We prefer if your opinion is unusual or contrarian, as long as it is fact-based, well-defended, and topical. 

Try to narrow down your topic – the more specific and focused, the better. 

Read more:  The Recursive Raises €450K to Grow as the Main Voice of the Digital Economy in Southeast Europe

Don’t shy away from using humor or more informal language. 

We don’t expect a perfect writing style. We’re editors and we can help with polishing your text if needed.  

Relevance. Make sure the ideas and arguments you present are relevant for the audience in the SEE region or its diaspora. Our media platform gives you unique access to founders, investors, and tech talent across this special corner of Europe. 

Exclusivity. We are not interested in publishing a story that has been published in your company or a personal blog, Medium, or any other media. 

Fact-based opinions. When you make a point, we expect it to be fact-based. Please put links when you refer to reports or company statements, when you cite numbers, stats, or any other data, and when you quote a person. Our editorial team will look into the verifiable facts in your piece. We would not publish unsourced claims.  

Length – 600 to 800 words, but if it’s a deep and engaging piece, it could be a little longer.

Feel free to pitch us your ideas for potential guest pieces at [email protected]. We will try to give you feedback in three business days. If we like your idea, we can offer some additional guidance and agree on a deadline for the first draft. You can send us a high-resolution picture of yourself and other pictures, illustrations, or graphs that you would like to include in your piece together with the text. We can then propose some edits for concision, style, and clarity and if you’re happy with them, we’re ready to publish. 

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Zornitsa Stoilova is Editor-in-Chief at The Recursive. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and the management of editorial teams.