Search for... eyes international expansion as it enters Endeavor’s Dare to Scale Program

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Happy first day of school! was started by four people in a garage back in 2016. The founders’ goal – to reduce the administrative paperwork at schools and let the teachers have more time for activities such as, well, teaching and mentoring. Five years later, the company has brought over 1700 Bulgarian schools into the cloud, counts more 1.5m users, has 51 employees.. and is now planning international expansion.

In practice, Shkolo provides one integrated platform with multiple modules:

  • Single online system for communication between teachers, students, and parents
  • Digital class register/ diary that enables parents to stay up-to-date with kids’ progress, achievements, and possible problems
  • Learning content as well as study and testing materials
  • Gamification of student goals
  • Statistics on individual and collective school performance
  • Centralized student feedback on assignments and teachers
  • Online payments to schools
  • Inventory management of all school assets
The platform is also in sync with the Ministry of Education and Science’s strategy for implementing a digital grading system in public schools. on a Dare to Scale Journey

Earlier this year, it was announced that will join Dare to Scale – the growth program of Endeavor Bulgaria that helps local entrepreneurs with high-potential to become globally competitive. The program is already under way and from September to December the 10 participating companies will go through six workshops (in sales, marketing, finance, and HR), individual mentoring sessions with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in Bulgaria, and several networking events. The ultimate goal is helping founders achieve repeatable product-market fit while establishing a scalable sales process.

In the video below, you can learn more about the Shkolo founders’ plans and what are their expectations for the Dare to Scale program.
Read more:  Preventing water losses: Bulgarian SatGeo wins Innovation Starter Accelerator

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