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Want to Find Out How to Overcome Fearing Failure? Join the I Love Failure Events

Want to Find Out How to Overcome Fearing Failure? Join the I Love Failure Events,
Image credit: I <3 Failure vol. 14 photo gallery
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There’s no better time to break the daunting image of failure and make failing great again (or finally). I Love Failure is here to be of service in this heroic quest with the support of entrepreneurs, athletes, and a bunch of well-known figures. Fail to try or try to fail? Whichever you choose, make sure you skip regrets in the end.

  • What: I <3 Failure Talks, vol. 15
  • Where: Mercato Kultur (Gheorghe Demetriade Street, no. 6), Bucharest, Romania
  • When: August 31, 2022. Starting hour: 6.30 pm. Tickets are available at this link here.


Following a series of events highlighting the importance of failure on the way to success, the 15th edition of I Love Failure Talks is going to shine a different perspective on the concept of failure and show how to find the silver lining in it. By sharing the personal stories of entrepreneurs and public names on stage, they’re aiming to redefine fear of failure as something to run away from and to transform this taboo-to-many subject into something common, acceptable, and necessary for progress.


Who are the speakers who love to share their failures

An eclectic mix of well-known names in Romania will share their failure stories to the public – a stuntman/film director, a fencing champion, a vlogger, a startup founder, and a 150K followers copywriter. Attendees of the event will hear more on how to stand back up after failing and try again, and get hints on how to reinvent themselves in order to succeed from the following speakers:

  • Ana-Maria Brânză – one of the best fencing champions in the whole world;
  • Zaiafet – one of the most popular vloggers in Romania, with almost 800,000 subscribers on YouTube;
  • Ovidiu Tuduruță – the founder of Beesers, Romania’s first medical app that managed to bring medical services to the patients’ homes;
  • Victor Canache – stuntman, actor, and film director (“The Goat with her Three Kids”);
  • Corina Băcanu – top Romanian copywriter and one of the most impactful voices on social media, with almost 150,000 followers.
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Moderating the event will be in the hands of the stand-up comedian Bogdan Drăcea.

Want to Find Out How to Overcome Fearing Failure? Join the I Love Failure Events,

The story of I Love Failure

I Love Failure is a Romanian startup with the mission to change the common perception and fear of failure. They’re doing so through a series of events where public speakers openly share their failure stories in order to encourage others to overcome their fears and “own their story”.

“Own your story” is a concept promoted by I Love Failure born from their belief that innovation starts with people who have the courage to take risks, fail, try again, and own their story at the same time. Their mission is currently spread across 6 cities, where they had over 230 failure stories, heard by more than 2,500 participants.

“Focus on a vision, set an ambitious objective, and stop fearing failures. Fear of failure affects everyone and often stops people from growing. We decided to take a stand and try to reduce the fear of failure. During a series of unique events and conferences, successful people, with interesting life stories, talk openly about their failures and their accomplishments, people who fell, but had the courage to stand up again, try again, and managed to succeed in the end”, shares Catalin Mester, founder of I Love Failure.

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Currently working as a Journalist & Chief Of Events at The Recursive mixing technology, innovation & experience for the ultimate event bundle. Combining my drive for exploring, creating meaningful connections, and presenting stories with a tickling sprinkle, I am also engaged as a Contributing Writer. From entrepreneurs and investors to tech communities, we tell the stories of those shaping the future economy in the vibrant innovation ecosystems of Southeast Europe and make them reach the world. #impact, #startups, #innovation, #investments, #education, #sustainabilty #collaboration