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DEV. BG to create the largest survey for the Bulgarian IT community and hear The Voice of IT

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Where is the Bulgarian IT sector heading towards? What is the vision for the development of the local IT industry 10 years from now? How can we switch from outsourcing to an R&D destination? 

The Bulgarian platform for IT professionals, DEV.BG launches its new The Voice of IT project with the goal to gain insights from the Bulgarian IT community. The project aims to become the largest extended IT survey of professionals with at least one year of experience in all technology fields and roles –  Devеlopers, QAs, DevOps, SysAdmins, Architects, Team Leads, Project managers, Data Scientists, and more. 

On one hand, DEV.BG aims to gather insights and ideas for the development of the local IT industry, and on the other hand, to give voice to the people who are building the Bulgarian tech ecosystem. The Voice of IT will be held in the form of short online meetings and the participants will be able to choose the time for their individual meetings. 

DEV.BG aims to reach 5000 Bulgarian IT specialists and use their feedback to further build its platform and be of greater value to the IT community in Bulgaria. DEV.BG encourages local professionals to spare some time and share their views, ideas, and feedback by registering at In addition, for each conducted interview and feedback, DEV.BG will show appreciation to the participants by donating money to a meaningful cause. 

Developing the Bulgarian IT community in a bottom-up approach

The questions of the survey aim to answer how has the sector developed, which are the main challenges, opportunities, and strengths of the local IT industry, and what is the vision for the future growth of the IT community. The goal of the survey is to gather valuable data and develop an accurate representation of the trends that are shaping the Bulgarian IT industry. 

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“We decided to actually have short online meetings with the participants instead of having them fill in a form because we believe that this methodology would bring about more genuine insights. Additionally, we hope to reach the engaged and passionate IT ecosystem developers who would be willing to spare time and have a live interview. There are also open questions that we thought would get more interesting answers if answered in real-time,” Boryana Peycheva, Manager of DEV.BG’s The Voice of IT project shares for The Recursive. 

If you’d like to support the project of DEV.BG with your insights and time, save a slot for an online meeting here


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Elena is an Innovation Reporter at The Recursive, an online media dedicated to the emerging tech and startup ecosystems in Southeast Europe. She is keen on sharing the innovation stories that shape the regional ecosystem and has a great interest in fintech, IoT, and biotech startups. Elena is currently finishing her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Political Science at the American University in Bulgaria.