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Food, Tech, and Longevity: Rethinking Health with Victor Penev from Edamam

Image credit: Andrey Andonov
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Our next guest has come a long way in his professional and personal development – from investment banking, through digital media and marketing, and e-commerce to rethinking humanity’s relationship with food.

Victor Penev is a serial entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of the food database and nutrition data provider Edamam.

He is also a mentor and investor in food tech startups and an advisor to early-stage entrepreneurs.

Before that, Victor co-founded and sold Bulgaria’s largest Internet Company NetInfo BG.

In this episode we discover what is next on his journey.

In his conversation with Irina, Victor Penev talks about:

  • The legacy of one of Bulgaria’s firsts digital media companies and the early days of the Bulgarian internet;
  • The bittersweet experience of selling your company as an entrepreneur;
  • Building a business on the intersection of food and technology without traditional fundraising;
  • Defining success beyond financial metrics, focusing on long-term impact;
  • His new longevity project: redefining health and food in Bulgaria;



*This episode of The Recursive Podcast is released in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. As part of their mandate to support small and medium-sized businesses, The EBRD’s SME Finance and Development Team provides knowledge, network, and skills to help emerging businesses innovate, thrive, and succeed.

Read more:  Bulgaria’s Startup Landscape H1 2023 at a Glance: The Biggest Deals and Milestones

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